明末清初的 16— 18世纪 ,是中西两种文化首次撞击的时代。这次中西文化的撞击与交流媒介 ,是以入华耶稣会士为主体的西方天主教传教士。他们无论是在中学西渐方面 ,还是在西学东渐领域中 ,都做了许多有益的、他人无法取代的工作。他们在华的传教事业基本上是失败的 ,或者说是收效甚微 ,但他们在中西文化 (哲学、史学、经济、伦理、政治、语言文字、科学技术等 )交流方面成绩斐然。他们在中学西渐方面取得的成绩比在西学东渐方面更大。入华耶稣会士与中西文化交流是近年来国际学术界的热门课题 ,法国汉学界在该领域中始终居领先地位。本文对法国汉学界近二十年来的研究成果作了鸟瞰式评介。
It was the first cultural impact between China and the West in 16~18 century. In the impact and the exchange, the Catholic missionaries in which the Jesuits in China as a main part were medium. Both in the spread of Chinese Learning to the West and the spread of Western Learning to China, they made a lot of beneficial work that any body couldn’t replace them. Their missionary task was ultimately unsuccessful and they gained little. However, they achieved great successes in the cultural exchange, especially on the side of philosophy, historiography, economy, ethic, politics, language and technology between China and the West. They got more results in the spread of Chinese Learning to the West than in the spread of Western Learning to China. The paper comments on the studies of French Sinologists during twenty years.
Hebei Academic Journal
first cultural impact between China and the West
16~18 century
French sinocogy