构建结构合理的学科专业体系 ,是进行人才培养和科学研究的基础和平台 ,是学校长远发展的基础。它从根本上影响人才培养的质量。广州大学合并后面临专业设置整合、改造、提升、优化的艰巨任务 ,这是我校提高办学层次、办学特色和办学水平 ,实现可持续发展的关键。本文分析了广州大学专业发展的现状特点 ,探讨了专业调整的依据、目标 ,提出了广州大学专业结构优化的思路与措施。
To construct a rational disciplinary system is the foundation and platform for the development of a university in long term, which actually influences the quality of graduates. After the merge, Guangzhou University, is faced with the hard task of new establishment, ajustment, integration and transform of subjects and disciplines, which is the key for the improvement ofeducational levels and for a sustainable development. Based on an analysis of the status quo, the paper discusses the theories and targets of readjustment of subjects and disciplines and puts forward some ideas and measures for the optimization of discipline structure in Guangzhou University.
Journal of Guangzhou University:Social Science Edition