文化的传播与交流是一个双向选择的过程,因此文化上的异地发展也可能是单向 流向的,真正的文化交流是要把自己的优秀文化送出去,我们应该把“中国文化”作为“对象” 来进行系统的、有创造性的、实事求是的研究,才可以揭示出“中国文化”的真精神。
Cultural transmission and exchange is a process of two-way choice. Thus, cultural development on a foreign land might be in one orientation. Real cultural exchange is to transmit our fine culture to others. We should take 'Chinese culture' as the 'object' of a systemic, creative and down-to-earth study if the true spirit of 'Chinese culture' is to be revealed.
The Journal of Yunnan University:Social Sciences Edition