中国近代城市史研究从 2 0世纪 80年代以来显示了蓬勃的学术生命力和强劲的发展势头 ,但也存在若干问题与不足 ,急需加以解决。本文着重对 2 1世纪中国近代城市史研究的发展趋势进行了分析 ,认为在 2 1世纪里 ,中国近代城市史研究将取得更大的成就 ,出现多元发展的繁荣局面。首先宏观理论的研究将会成为一个热点 ,形成多元发展的城市史理论体系 ;其次对城市发展的整体性宏观研究和个体的微观研究 ,以及两者相结合的综合研究也将成为一个重要的学术生长点 ;同时城市发展研究的领域将进一步拓展 ,区域城市研究和城市发展类型研究仍将引起研究者的广泛关注 ;此外对中外城市之间和中国城市之间的比较研究 ,以及对众多的中小城市的研究也将随着城市研究领域的不断深入而广泛开展。
Since the 1980s, the study of the urban history of modern China has gained much momentum and shown strong academic vitality. Nevertheless, there exist some problems awaiting solutions. The author analyzes its general trend in this new century and believes multi-approaches in this study will result in more achievements. First, a study of the macro-theory in this field will become a focus, which will help adopt multi-approaches and form a theoretical system in this field; second, the macro-study and the micro-study as well as a combined approach will become a focus of attention in the related academic circles; third, the research scope will extend to the regional and development types; finally, a comparative study between Chinese cities themselves or between foreign cities and Chinese cities as well as the study of medium-sized and small cities will also become more popular.
The Journal of Yunnan University:Social Sciences Edition