
儿童母语习得和成人外语学习的比较 被引量:1

Contrast on children′s first language acquisition and adults′ second language learning
摘要 通过对比儿童习得母语和成人学习外语的进程,指出这两者之间存在明显差别,具体表现在4个方面:1)语言行为习惯不同;2)语言的功能需求不同;3)习得(学习)的机制(程序)不同;4)互动激活的程度和联结强度不同。由于成人学习外语和儿童习得母语是两个不同的过程,因而理论上的指导意义是有限的,必须认识到成人外语学习中有意识和主观学习的重要作用和开发联接强度的重要意义。 This paper focuses on the differences between children′s L1 acquisition and adults′L2 learning through a contrast in the following four aspects: language behavior habits; language functions; LAD and connectionism. It goes further to prove the L1 acquisition theories may not as so instructive because of the great difference of the two process. And therefore conscious learning and connectionism should draw our great attention in adults L2 learning.
作者 张忻
出处 《中南大学学报(社会科学版)》 2003年第3期418-420,共3页 Journal of Central South University:Social Sciences
关键词 儿童 母语习得 成人 外语学习 比较研究 语言行为习惯 习得机制 联结主义 children′s L1 acquisition adults′ L2 acquisition language behavior habits LAD connectionism
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