郁达夫与外国文学的接触 ,是从阅读俄国文学作品开始的。在郁达夫欣赏和喜爱的 19世纪俄国作家中 ,最得郁达夫的偏爱并且在创作上对郁达夫影响最大的是屠格涅夫和陀斯妥耶夫斯基。屠格涅夫不仅是郁达夫文学创作上的启蒙导师 ,而且他在多余人形象的塑造以及抒情气氛的营造等方面都对郁达夫产生了巨大影响。陀斯妥耶夫斯基则以其对描写人类痛苦的偏爱和对病态人格的刻画对郁达夫构成了有力的启示。
Yu Dafu's contact with foreign literature began with reading Russian literary works. (2) Of the first magnitude of Russian literary writers Yu had partiality for were I. S. Turgenev and F. M. Dostoevsky who had great influences upon Yu's creation. (3) Yu took Turgenev as the teacher who introduce him to the field of literary creation; Turgenev's characterization of the person uncalled for in portraying and the setting of atmosphere for expressing emotion were much helpful for Yu's creation. (4) Yu received inspiration from Dostoevsky to depict the human anguish and the characters in morbid state.
Nankai Journal:Philosophy,Literature and Social Science Edition