员工不仅是连接企业与市场之间的桥梁 ,也是企业战略实施成败的重要因素 ,充分发挥员工的潜力是决定企业生存与发展的重要保证。其关键在于使得企业战略和个人职业前途计划在一定时期内保持动态相容和统一。员工属于企业内由不同的正式组织和非正式组织组成的小群体 ,管理层通过影响各种小群体的核心人物 ,表彰那些能够满足企业战略需要的企业文化的代表人物 ,促使企业内部各种群体力量的综合效果与企业的战略目标一致 ,从而在满足个人对其职业前途战略需要的同时 ,也保证了企业战略目标的实现 ,在企业和员工间形成一种互惠的关系 ,节省个人成本和企业成本 。
Employee is not only a bridge between an enterprise and its customers, but also a vital factor which affects the implementation of its strategy. Caring for personal performance development file guarantees an enterprise's existence and development. Coordinating the enterprise strategy and individual occupation prospect strategy by making them dynamically compatible to each other within a certain period is the key. Since employees can be seen as members of different groups which belong to formal organizations or informal organizations, managers can create a synthetic effect through the influence of important people in a group and fostering enterprise culture by rewarding typical representatives, which is appropriated to the enterprise strategy. Thus the individual need of personal occupation prospect plan is met, and at the same time the goal of enterprise strategy can be guaranteed. Only if a favorable relationship is formed between enterprise and its employees, can personal cost and enterprise cost be saved, and finally the social cost.
Journal of Xi'an University of Architecture & Technology(Social Science Edition)
国家自然科学基金项目资助( 70 12 10 0 1)
国家教育振兴行动计划专项资金 (A2 .9-GL)