采用多种指标综合分析 。
Object We use three indicators to evaluate the situation of hygiene in Harbin in 1999, and the result can be used as science base for government. Method We use Potential years of life lost (PYLL), mortality and years of lost with premature (YLLs) as indicators. Result It is estimated by PYLL that to males, the major diseases in 0~years old group are childhood cluster diseases, congenital anomalies ,which in 25~45 years old group are cardiovascular diseases, malignant neoplasms and unintentional injuries, and which for 45~60 years old group are cardiovascular diseases, infectious and parasitic diseases, respiratory diseases and digestive diseases. In female, in 25~45 years group, PYLL increases with age, and in this group, the major diseases is malignant neoplasms, cardiovascular diseases and unintentional injuries. In 45~60 years old of female, the main reasons of death are cardiovascular diseases, malignant neoplasms and respiratory diseases. Mortality shows increasing tend with age, that in male is larger than that in female whenever in which ages group, and which is higher in children and old people than in others. When we used YLLs to evaluate ,the tend shows to be similar to that of mortality. But the later shows much clearer than that of mortality. Considered from these results, we can say that cardiovascular diseases, malignant neoplasms and respiratory diseases, unintentional injuries are the major death diseases for whole people in Harbin. For the males, the major diseases to death are unintentional injuries, digestive diseases and intentional injuries. To the females, they are diabetes, respiratory diseases. Conclude Chronic noncommunicable diseases, unintentional injuries will continue threaten the Harbin people. If we want to evaluate health level of one restrict ,we'd better use different indicators to analysis it.
Journal of Mathematical Medicine
PYLL(Potential Year of Life Lost)
DALY(Disability Adjusted of Life Lost)
YLLs(Years of Lost With Premature Mortality)