

A Critical Review of T ·S· Eliot's Modernist Religious Poetics
摘要 在西方批评界 ,T·S·艾略特被称之为“古典现代主义”诗人 ,其“古典性”在于他一直着力追寻和审视西方文化传统中一脉相承的宗教精神资源 ,其“现代性”在于他深刻地洞见到 :西方现代文化和精神世界之所以日益走向“荒芜” ,恰恰是因为人文主义和基督精神的双重缺失。因此 ,他的诗学试图通过激活犹太 -基督精神这一传统文化资源 ,来打通古典和现代之间的历史壁障。他的诗歌创作和理论文献表明 :他实际上已经建构了一种独具个性的现代主义宗教诗学。 T ·S· Eliot is regarded by some critics in the West as a 'classic modernist' poet. His 'classicality' is apparent in the fact that he always endeavours to search for and keep in mind the undercurrent religious resources in the western cultural tradition. His 'modernity' finds perfect expression in his profound insight into the ongoing 'wasteness' of both the cultural and spiritual world in modern West. The cause of this 'wasteness' lies in a twofold absence of humanism and Christian spirit in modern times. Therefore, his poetics attempts to regenerate the Judaic-Christian spirit in the western cultural tradition so as to bridge the classicality and modernity. The author of the present paper finds that, by reading through Eliot's poetry and critical writings, he has actually approached to the establishment of a religious poetics of modernism in his own sense.
作者 李兰生
出处 《湘潭大学社会科学学报》 2003年第4期103-107,159,共6页 Social Science Journal of Xiangtan University
关键词 古典现代毒义 历史意识 传统 文化 动态平衡 基督精神 宗教诗学 classic modernism historical sense tradition culture dynamic equilibrium Christian spirit religious poetics
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  • 2Sheldon R. Brivic, Joyce between Freud and Jung,Kennikat Press, 1980.
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  • 9Sheldon R, Brivic, Joyce between Freud and Jung, p.177.
  • 10Webster's New Dictionary of Synonyms, Massachusetts, 1978.









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