目的 探讨选择性、非选择性内皮素(ET)受体拮抗剂对创伤性休克大鼠的影响。方法 采用后肢创伤法建立创伤性休克大鼠模型,随机分为休克组、休克+BQ-123组和休克+PD142893组,分别于创伤前、休克末、复苏后 1、3、5 h检测血浆内皮素及骨骼肌、肝脏、小肠的组织氧分压,监测血流动力学变化并记录存活时间。结果 3组大鼠休克末及复苏后备时间点血浆内皮素浓度及组织氧分压较伤前差异有显著性(P<0.05),休克+BQ-123组于复苏后 1、3 h血浆内皮素浓度显著低于休克组(P<0.05),复苏后肝脏、小肠的组织氧分压较休克组显著升高(P<0.05),其 12、24 h存活率同休克组比较差异均有显著性(P<0.05)。结论 创伤性休克后血浆内皮素浓度显著升高,选择性ETA受体拮抗剂BQ-123可显著改善创伤性休克大鼠内脏组织氧分压,延长存活时间。
Objective To investigate the effect of BQ-123 [selective endothelin-A (ETA) recep-
tor antagonist] and PD142893 [non-selective endothelin A/endothelin- B (ETA/ETB) receptor antago-
nist] in the treatment of traumatic shock in rats. Methods Experimental models of traumatic shock in
Sprague-Daulay rats were made by limbs wounding and were randomly devided into shock group (n =
36), shock+ BQ-123 group (n = 36) and shock + PD142893 group (n = 36) based on the difference of
resuscitation. Plasma ET levels and oxygen partial pressure in tissues including skeletal muscles, liver and
small intestine were detected pre--shock, post--shock and at 1,3, 5 h after resuscitation. Meanwhile, hemo-
dynamic data of the rats and their survival rate of 12 h and 24 h were monitored and recorded. Results
There was statistically significant difference in plasma ET levels and tissues oxygen partial pressure among
all groups before and after shock (P < 0. 05). Plasma ET levels at 1, 3 h after resuscitation were signifi-
cantly lower in shock + BQ--123 group than in shock group (P < 0. 05). There was statistically significant
difference in oxygen partial pressure in liver and small intestine after resuscitation and the mean survival
time between shock group and shock + BQ-123 group (P < 0. 05 ). Conclusion Plasma ET levels are in-
creased significantly after traumatic shock. BQ-123 could improve oxygen partial pressure of organs and
prolong the mean survival time significantly in the treatment of traumatic shock.
Chinese Journal of Experimental Surgery