目的 对高校严重急性呼吸综合征 (SARS)的监测系统和控制措施效果进行评价。方法 收集某高校在广州市SARS流行期间疫情发生情况与紧急应对的组织领导、防治策略和控制措施效果。结果 在SARS流行期间高校建立“个人 宿舍 (家庭 ) 班级 (单位 ) 系 院 学校”的监测系统 ,采取针对性的预防控制措施 ,切实做到“早发现、早诊断、早隔离、早预防及早治疗” ,贯彻“早、小、严、实”的疫区处理原则 ,实现少发生、无续发、不流行、无死亡及稳定校园教学秩序的目标。结论 严密的监测系统和以早期隔离患者与密切接触者为主的综合防治措施 ,能够有效地控制SARS在高校流行。
Objective To evaluate the influence of the surveillance system and preventive measurements on the control of severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) in a university in Guangdong Province. Methods A university with more than thirty thousand undergraduates, staff and their relatives was retrospectively studied, from which information regarding the status of epidemic, organization of leadership, disease control strategies and measures were collected and analyzed. Results The construction of the surveillance system in such a model as 'individual-dormitory/home-class/unite-faculty and institute-university' largely contributed to the achievement of the goals of low incidence, no secondary, no epidemic, and no death.A series of control measures benefited the early diagnosis, effective isolation, prevention, and treatment of SARS control. Conclusion SARS could be effectively controlled in university only if strict surveillance system is built up, and all-round preventions, including early isolation of both confirmed or suspected cases and close contacted persons, are carried out.
Chinese Journal of Preventive Medicine
广东省重大医学科技攻关项目 (粤卫 [2 0 0 2 ] 15 0 )
暨南大学非典防治专项研究课题 (暨科 2 0 0 3 0 0 7)