Objective: To expound the mechanism of nerve growth factor (NGF) to protectspinal cord against injury. Methods: Forty-five rats with 10 g X 2. 5 cm impact T_8 spinal cordinjury (SCI) were divided into 3 groups. The experimental animals received 60 g NGF purified frombovine seminal plasma instantly, 1, 2, 4 h after in jury and an equal volume of normal saline wasgiven to the control group at the same time. The c-fos mRNA levels were detected by in situhybridization. Results: The results showed no evident c-fos expression in normal control group. Thec-fos expression increased markedly in damaged neurons. The peak value of c-fos mRNA arose at 1 h,and c-fos levels in NGF group reduced evidently. Conclusion: NGF could inhibit c-fos expression. Itmay serve as one of the action mechanisms of NGF to protect spinal cord against injury.
目的 :探讨神经生长因子 (NGF)对脊髓神经元保护作用的机制。方法 :采用Allen s法制成大鼠T8脊髓损伤模型 ,用原位杂交方法检测神经元c fosmRNA的表达。结果 :脊髓损伤后神经元c fosmRNA表达较正常对照未损伤神经元显著增加 ,表达高峰出现在损伤后 1h ;NGF能显著抑制损伤后神经元c fosmRNA的异常表达。结论 :NGF对损伤后神经元保护作用机制 ,可能是其抑制了c fos基因异常表达 ,保护了神经元。