目的 探讨三磷酸腺苷生物荧光法 (ATP- TCA )评估原发性肝癌药物敏感性和指导术后介入化疗的临床价值。方法 以 ATP- TCA法在体外分别检测了 19例原发性肝癌细胞对 6种化疗药物的耐药率和敏感率。结果 5 FU、DDP等常用化疗药物的耐药率在 78%以上 ,泰素、羟基喜树碱和丝裂霉素对肝癌的敏感率分别为 89.6 7%、6 4 .39%和 4 7.11%。结论 ATP- TCA法用于检测原发性肝癌化疗药物敏感性稳定可靠 。
Objective To discuss value of adenosine triphosphate bioluminescence assay in the chemosensitivity of primary hepatocellular carcinoma and its guide meaning of postoperational chemotherapy.Methods Drug resistance rate and sensitive rate in 19 specimens of 6 sorts of primary hepatocellular were tested by ATP bioluminescence Assay in vitro.Result Drug resistance rate of commonly used chemotherapy drug as 5 FU?DDP was above 78%,sensitive rate of Taxol?HCPT and MMC in hepatocarcinoma was 89.67%?60%?64.39% and 47.11% respectively.Conclusion ATP TCA technique is stable and reliable in detecting chemosensitivity of primary hepatocellular,can be used to drug screening means to guide postoperative sequential chemotherapy of primary hepatocellular.
Journal of Hepatobiliary Surgery