目的 :探讨手术切除会厌及舌根部肿瘤的最佳途径。方法 :1995年 3月至 2 0 0 1年 2月为 17例患者行舌骨上咽切开术切除会厌及舌根部肿瘤。结果 :舌骨上咽切开术能充分暴露会厌及舌根部病变部位 ,不影响喉的支架结构及喉功能 ,并能彻底切除会厌及舌根部肿瘤 ,术中出血量均在 5 0ml以下 ,术后切口均Ⅰ期愈合 ,发声、呼吸、进食正常 ,随访 2~ 3年 ,无 1例复发。结论 :舌骨上咽切开术治疗会厌及舌根部肿瘤安全、可靠、有效。
Objective:To explore a better surgical approach for resection of epiglottis tumor including the tongue base.Method:From March 1995 to February 2001, 17 patients with epiglottis tumor including the tongue base were operated on by suprahyoid pharyngotomy approach.Results:Suprahyoid pharyngotomy approach provided good exposure of surgical field and simutaneously conserved the structure and function of the larynx,the tumor was fully exposed and thoroughly resected.The bleeding was less than 50ml in operation , and the incisions were all cured in first time, no recurrence was found during a follow-up period from 2 to 3 years.Conclusion:Suprahyoid pharyngotomy is a safe and reliable surgical approach,and will be used broadly in the removal of tumors involving the epiglotic and the tongue base.
Journal of Preclinical Medicine College of Shandong Medical University