目的 :评价准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术治疗超高度近视的疗效。方法 :采用准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术治疗超高度近视 37例、72眼 ,屈光度为 - 12D~ - 2 2 .5D ,平均为 - 16 .37± 3.12D ,散光为 - 1.2 5~ -4 .2 5D ,平均为 - 1.92± 0 .87D。结果 :手术后视力明显提高 ,术后 6个月时 35例、70眼 (97.2 2 %)视力达到或超过术前最佳矫正视力 ,其中 2 4眼 (33.33%)超过术前最佳矫正视力 2行或 2行以上 ,2例、2眼视力较术前最佳矫正视力下降 1行 ;术后 6个月屈光度 (1眼欠矫 - 1.5 0D)为 - 0 .37± 0 .4 2D ,散光为 - 0 .4 3± 0 .4 6D。结论 :准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术治疗超高度近视有效 ,无明显并发症发生。
Objective: To evaluate the clinical effect of LASIK in treating hypermyopia. Method: LASIK was performed on 72 eyes( 37 cases) with refraction ranging from -12D to -22.5D (mean -16.37±3.12D) and astigmatism from -1.25D to -4.25D ( mean -1.92±0.87D). Result: Visual acuity was improved greatly soon after operation. 70 eyes gained vision equal to or better than preoperative best-corrected-visual-acuity (BCVA). The vision of 24 eyes was raised 2 lines than preoperative, of 2 eyes even decreased 1 line than preoperative BCVA.Postoperative 6 months,the refraction was -0.37±0.42D, and the astigmatism was -0.43±0.46D. One eye was under refraction of -1.50D. Conclusion: LASIK is an effective way for the treatment of hypermyopia without any significant complications.
Journal of Preclinical Medicine College of Shandong Medical University