目的 :观察大承气汤加味并重用大黄在治疗狂症中的疗效。方法 :4 9例诊断为狂症的病人用大黄6 0 g ,芒硝 10g ,枳实 15 g ,厚朴 15 g ,桃仁 15g ,远志 15 g ,菖蒲 15 g ,胆星 15g ,日一剂 ,水煎分二次服 ,15天为一疗程 ,结果 :4 9例患者中 38例痊愈 ,6例显效。 5例无效 ,有效率 89 8%。结论 :大承气汤加味在治疗狂症中是较理想的汤剂。
Objective:To observe the treatment efficacy of Dachengqi addition and salther Dahuang for manic. Method:49 patients with manic,were treated for half-moon,potion daily,decoct with water and dimidiation.The drugs is Dahuang 60g,mangxiao 10g,Zhishi 15g,houpu 15g,taoren 15g,yuanzhi 15g,changpu 15g,Danxing 15g. Results:38 Cases was healed,6 cases was clearly potent,and 5 patients was inpotent.The responsive rate in mianc patients was 89.8%. Conclusion:The Dachengqi addition is a efficacious medicament for the treatment of manic.
Medical Journal of Chinese People’s Health