元代也曾实行过科举考试 ,但时断时续。其形式继承前代 ,又有一些变革。它是元代汉族文化与蒙古等民族文化交汇的一个重要契机。它对促进民族交往与融合起了重要的作用。程朱理学也第一次在科举考试内容中占了支配地位。
In Yuan Dynasty,the rulers put the imperial examinati on system into practice.Based on the traditional system,they made a reformation.It was an important moment for Han culture and Mongolia culture to mix each other. It played an important part in the communication between the Hans and the Mongol ias.And Zhu-Xi's theory played a controlling role for the first time in the impe rial examination.
Yindu Journal