情与景 ,是中国古典诗词中最常见、组合方式最为多样化的两种要素。借景抒情、寓情于景、以景引情、触景生情、以景衬情、因情造景、以景喻情和移情于景是情景组合的主要方式。研习中国古典诗词 ,只有从这些方面理清了情景关系 ,才能够更好地把握其意境 ,领略其韵味 ,认识其审美意义。
The feelings and the scene are the two most common essential fa ctors in the Chinese classical poetry. The form of the combination is varied, Th e most important way of the combination is in accordance with the scenery to exp ress, arouse arise, set off and transfer the poet's emotion, meanwhile, using hi s feelings, the poet would imagine a scene in his mind. To express the emotion b y describing the scene and put the emotion into describing the scene are the mai n form of compining the emotion and the scene. Studing the Chinese classical poe try and the gaining a clear idea of the relationship between the feelings and th e scene, we can further appreciate its unlimited interest, its special pleasant quality and its aesthetic significance.
Yindu Journal