科技奥运是中国申奥成功的重要理念 ,也将成为北京举办奥运会的重要保障条件。加快科技奥运建设对于实现奥运承诺 ,促进首都乃至全国经济、科技的发展都具有深远的意义。“以科技助奥运 ,以奥运促科技”是科技奥运建设的重要内容。本文从科技奥运提出的背景、含义、建设目标、主要任务、实施一年多来取得的进展等方面进行了比较全面的描述。
High tech Olympics is an important concept for China's successful bid for the Olympic Games. It will also become a prerequisite condition to guarantee Beijing's successful hosting of the game. Speeding up the construction of High Tech Olympics has profound meanings to realize the commitments Beijing has made for the Olympics, and improve the economic situation of Beijing as well. “Science and Technology supports the Olympics, the Olympics promotes the development of science and technology' is the most important content of the construction of high tech Olympics. This article comprehensively summaries the proposal background of High Tech Olympic, key contents of the project etc.
Social Sciences of Beijing