目的 为了简便、灵敏地测定面粉及其制品中过氧化苯甲酰 (BPO)的含量 ,建立了高效液相色谱法 (HPL C)。 方法 样品直接以乙醇超声提取 ,再用 10 % KI将 BPO转化成苯甲酸 ,利用苯甲酸作标准对照品进行定性定量。采用ODS柱 ,以甲醇 - 0 .0 2 mo L/ L 乙酸铵 (6 +94 )为流动相 ,流速 1ml/ min,检测波长 2 2 0 nm。 结果 苯甲酸浓度在 0~10 0 mg/ L 范围内显良好的线性关系 (r=0 .9998) ,方法回收率为 90 .1%~ 10 2 .4 % ,RSD为 1.83%~ 3.82 % ,最低检出浓度为 0 .0 0 4 g/ kg。 结论 试验表明本法简单方便 。
Objective To establish a simple and sensitive high performance liquid chromatographic method for determination of Benzoyl Peroxide in wheat flour and its products. Methods BPO in wheat flour and its products was supersound extracted with ethylalcohol,and then BPO was turned into Benzoic acid in 10% KI, and Benzoic acid for standard to quantitate.The chromatographic seperation was performed on ODS column using a mobile phase of methyl alcohol-0.02mol/L ammonium acetate(6+94, v/v) with a flow rate of 1.0ml/min,and UV-220nm detection. Result The linear range of the method was 0~100mg/L(r=0.9998), The minimum detectable limit of this method was 0.004g/kg, The recovery rate was 90.1%~102.4%,and the RSD was 1.83% ~3.82%. Conclusion The method is proved to be simple,convenient,sensitive and accurate.
Practical Preventive Medicine
High performance liquid chromatography
Benzoyl peroxide
Wheat flour and its products