国家计生委科学技术研究所 100081
1Kitawaki J, Kado N, Ishihara H, et al. Endometriosis: the pathophysiology as an estrogen-dependent disease. J Steroid Biochem Mol Biol, 2002,83(1-5):149-155.
2Francesco J, Demay O, Zhao BH, et al. Mechanisms of Action of Estrogen and Progesterone. Ann N Y Acad Sci, 2002,955:48-59.
3Fujimoto J, Hirose R, Sakaguchi H, et al. Expression of oestrogen receptor-alpha and -beta in ovarian endometriomata. Mol Hum Reprod, 1999,5(8):742-747.
4Matsuzaki S, Fukaya T, Uehara S, et al. Characterization of messenger RNA expression of estrogen receptor-alpha and -beta in patients with ovarian endometriosis.Fertil Steril, 2000,73(6):1219-1225.
5Taylor AH, Al-Azzawi F. Immunolocalisation of oestrogen receptor beta in human tissues. J Mol Endocrinol, 2000,24( 1 ):145-155.
6Lecce G, Meduri G, Ancelin M, et al. Presence of estrogen receptor beta in the human endometrium through the cycle: expression in glandular, stromal, and vascular cells. J Clin Endocrinol Metab,2001,86(3):1379-1386.
7Critchley HO, Brenner RM, Henderson TA, et al. Estrogen receptor beta, but not estrogen receptor alpha, is present in the vascular endothelium of the human and nonhuman primate endometrium.J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 2001.86(3):1370-1378.
8Matanzaki S, Murakami T, Uehara S, et al. Expression of estrogen receptor alpha and beta in peritoneal and ovarian endometriosis.Fertil Steril, 2001,75(6):1198-1205.
9Matsuzaki S, Uehara S, Murakami T, et al. Quantitive analsis of estrogen receptor alpha and beta messengen ribenucleic acid levels in normal endometrium and ovarian endometriotic cysts using a realtime reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction assay. Fertil Steril, 2000, 74(4):753-759.
10Ohtake F, Takeyama K, Matsumoto T, et al. Modulation of oestrogen receptor signalling by association with the activated dioxin receptor.Nature. 2003,423(6939): 545-550.
1李沛霖,王盼盼,赵志梅,李洁,王建玲.基于Caco-2细胞的中药直肠吸收机制研究[J].天津中医药,2013,30(9):555-556. 被引量:4
2龚丽红,韩凤娟,侯丽辉,吴效科.子宫内膜异位症与恶性肿瘤相关机制[J].医学研究杂志,2007,36(2):98-100. 被引量:13
3Velasco I, Rueda J, Acien P. Aromatase expression in endometriotic tissues and cell cultures of patients with endometriosis. Mol Hum Reprod, 2006, 12(6): 377-81.
4Qiang YW, Walsh K, Yao L, et al. Wnts induce migration and invasion of myeloma plasma cells. Blood, 2005, 106(5): 1786-93:
5Osteen KG, Hill GA, Hargrove JT, et al. Development of a method to isolate and culture highly purified populations of stromal and epithelial cells from human endometrial biopsy specimens. Fertil Steril, 1989, 52(6): 965-72.
6Mylonas I, Speer R, Makovitzky J, et al. lmmunohistochemical analysis of steroid receptors and glycodelin A (PPI 4) in isolated glandular epithelial cells of normal human endometrium. Histochem Cell Biol, 2000, 114(5):405-11.
7Jose P, Carlos E Mutations in the beta-catenin gene (CTNNB I) in endometrioid ovarian carcinomas. Cancer Res, 1998, 58 (7):1 344-7.
8Acconcia F, Kumar R. Signaling regulation of genomic and nongenomic functions of estrogen receptors. Cancer Let, 2006, 238(1): 1-14.
9Mulholland D J, Dedhar S, Coetzee GA, et al. Interaction of nuclear receptors with the Wnt/β-catenin/Tcf signaling axis: Wnt you like to know? Endocr Rev, 2005, 26(7): 898- 915.
10Tulac S, Nayak NR, Kao LC, et al. Identification, characterization, and regulation of the canonical Wnt signaling pathway in human endometrium. J Clin Endocrinol Metab, 2003, 88(8): 3 860-6.
1谢伟,刘义,廉红梅,吕立群.雌激素对子宫内膜异位症在位内膜间质细胞β-catenin mRNA的影响[J].生殖与避孕,2008,28(1):7-11. 被引量:5
2刘柏隆,杨飞,湛海伦,蒙美江,周祥福.间质性膀胱炎与女性激素失调的临床相关性研究[J].中华泌尿外科杂志,2013,34(7):501-504. 被引量:5
3代志蓉,李沛霖,王盼盼,赵志梅,李洁,王建玲,张淑英.妇科灌肠Ⅱ号对离体培养的异位内膜间质细胞雌激素及前列腺素E_2分泌影响[J].天津中医药,2015,32(1):34-37. 被引量:1
1罗雪珍,李明清,王凌,李大金.β-catenin在子宫内膜异位症患者在位内膜中的表达[J].生殖与避孕,2012,32(11):733-738. 被引量:5
2刘柏隆,陈雪莲,湛海伦,张志刚,冯智英,周祥福.间质性膀胱炎的炎症分级与神经纤维密度及临床症状的关系[J].中华腔镜泌尿外科杂志(电子版),2014,8(3):12-15. 被引量:2
3朱小琳,韩延华,韩亚光.子宫内膜异位症黏附形成机制及中医药干预对策[J].中医学报,2018,33(11):2239-2242. 被引量:5
4周祥福,刘柏隆,陈雪莲,湛海伦,李文标,杨飞,李腾成,孙其鹏.间质性膀胱炎膀胱组织神经纤维密度与疼痛的相关性研究[J].中华泌尿外科杂志,2014,35(12):913-916. 被引量:5
5代志蓉,李沛霖,王盼盼,赵志梅,李洁,王建玲,张淑英.妇科灌肠Ⅱ号对离体培养的异位内膜间质细胞雌激素及前列腺素E_2分泌影响[J].天津中医药,2015,32(1):34-37. 被引量:1
6李艳,闻姬,陈军,孔伟,周雪源,姜永辉.子宫内膜异位症有关信号通路的研究进展[J].生殖与避孕,2016,36(2):128-134. 被引量:14
7陈镘如,廖治.Wnt/β-catenin信号通路对子宫内膜间质细胞的调节机制[J].中国组织工程研究,2016,20(7):1013-1018. 被引量:9
8吴莉莉,唐劲松,周正维,邱彩玲.血清性激素、促甲状腺激素检测对月经紊乱的临床意义[J].实用临床医学(江西),2017,18(1):52-53. 被引量:8
9赵志梅,张立杰,夏天,肖志.莪术主要单体成分抗炎、抗肿瘤作用研究进展[J].药物评价研究,2017,40(1):119-124. 被引量:92
10谢俊聪,湛海伦,刘柏隆,吴珍,杨飞,李文标,陈嘉良,许源城,周祥福.间质性膀胱炎膀胱组织神经纤维密度与尿流动力学的相关性研究[J].中华腔镜泌尿外科杂志(电子版),2017,11(5):34-37. 被引量:3
1蒋清清,薛敏.宫腔镜结合腹腔镜诊治先天性子宫畸形的价值[J].实用妇产科杂志,2006,22(9):540-541. 被引量:1
2肖菊英,宋云静,李夏芳,王建中,邹向红.宫、腹腔镜联合诊治子宫畸形13例临床体会[J].现代妇产科进展,2009,18(2):157-158. 被引量:5
3廖慧慧.宫腔镜检查135例分析[J].现代医院,2005,5(8):57-58. 被引量:2
4曾玉燕,关永格,李坤寅.子宫腺肌病雌激素相关作用机制研究进展[J].中国妇幼保健,2014,29(32):5349-5352. 被引量:3
6付先芸,魏绍斌.子宫腺肌病小鼠血管生成及雌激素效应因子的相互作用机制[J].武汉大学学报(医学版),2015,36(6):883-886. 被引量:3
7郭维婵.雌激素效应相关因子与子宫腺肌病的关系[J].临床误诊误治,2005,18(7):459-460. 被引量:3
10王春,马静茹,白红丽.296例宫腔镜手术的临床护理体会[J].河南科技大学学报(医学版),2004,22(1):73-74. 被引量:2