目的 建立心安宁片中葛根素含量测定的高效液相色谱法。方法 超声提取 ,色谱柱为Nova PakC18柱 (4μm ,15 0mm× 4 .0mm) ,流动相为甲醇 :水 (2 5∶75 ) ,检测波长为 2 5 0nm。结果 葛根素浓度在 8.2 6~ 4 1.30 μg·mL-1范围内与色谱峰面积呈良好的线性关系 (r =0 .9999)。平均加样回收率为 10 0 .15 % ,RSD =1.5 5 % (n =6 )。结论 本法简便 ,准确 ,灵敏度高 ,重现性好 ,可用于心安宁片中葛根素的含量测定。
OBJECTIVE To establish an RP HPLC for determination of the content of puerarin in Xin'anning tablets. METHOD RP HPLC analysis was carried out by using Nova Pak C 18 colum(4μm,150mm×4.0mm) and methanol: water(25∶75) as mobile phase, and the detection wavelenth was 250nm.RESULTS A good linear relationship was obtained between the peak area and the concentration of puerarin from 8.26~41.30μg·mL -1 ( r =0.9999), and the average recovery was 100.15%( n =6).CONCLUSION The method was simple, accurate, highly sensitive and reproducible. It may be used for the quantitative determination of the puerarin in Xin'anning tablets.
Chinese Journal of Modern Applied Pharmacy