用免疫细胞化学和电镜相结合的方法研究 NT-LI 在鼠脊髓背角中的分布和超微结构。光镜下 NT 样免疫反应细胞、纤维和终末主要分布于背角Ⅱ_b 层相Ⅲ层背侧部。也镜下 NT-LI可见于核周体、树突、轴突和有髓纤维内。除大多数标记轴突与未标记树突构成轴-树突触外,部分标记轴突与未标记轴突和未标记胞体构成轴。轴和轴-体突触。未标记轴突亦可与标记树突构成轴-树突触。结果提示背角浅层中 NT 神经元可能参与构成调节痛觉传递回路。
The distribution and ultrastructure of neurotensin-like immunoreactivity (NT-LI)in the dorsal horn of the spind cord of rats was studied with the immunocytochemistry and electron microscope.At the light microscopic level,neurotensin-like immunoreactive cells,fibers and terminals were mainly located in inner laminae Ⅱ(Ⅱb)and outer laminae Ⅲ of the dorsal horn.NT-LI product was found in perikarya,dendrites,axons and myelinated fibers with the electron microscope.In addition to the majority of labeled axons which formed synapses with unlabeled dendrites,it was found that some labeled axons synapsed with unlabeled axons or cell bodies and unlabeled axons with labeled dendrites.Our results suggest that cells containing neurotensin in the superficial dorsal horn may be associated with a circuity of pain modulation.
spinal cord
dorsal horn