目的 应用重组人骨形态发生蛋白 2 (rhBMP 2 )植入犬的自体气管移植体诱导软骨再生。方法 将 2 4条犬等分为 3组 :A组原位再植 ,外覆带蒂大网膜 ;B组移植体植入rhBMP 2后埋入腹腔大网膜中 ;C组移植体植入rhBMP 2后原位再植 ,外覆带蒂大网膜。术后 1、2、4、8周处死动物 ,标本行大体及组织学观察。结果 3组移植体软骨环均有不同程度的吸收。B和C组移植体的rhBMP 2植入区有软骨再生 ,且两者新生软骨面积差异有显著性 (u =841,P <0 .0 5 )。结论rhBMP 2可刺激气管移植体软骨再生 ;胶原可充当rhBMP 2的缓释载体 。
Objective To verify the validity and potential application of implanting the recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 (rhBMP-2) into the tracheal autograft to induce regeneration of dog’s tracheal cartilage.Methods Twenty-four mongrel dogs were randomly and equally divided into groups A,B and C.A 5-ring cervical tracheal segment was harvested as the autograft.In group A,the graft was reimplanted and wrapped with pedicled omentum.In group B,the graft was heterotopically transplanted into the omentum after rhBMP-2 with collagen as a carrier was injected into the soft tissues between cartilaginous rings of the autograft.In group C,after injection of rhBMP-2 the graft was reimplanted with omentopexy as group A.The animals were sacrificed on postoperative 1,2,4 and 8 weeks,and the postmortem specimens were examined grossly and histologically.Results Cartilage rings were absorbed in all three groups to varying degrees.In groups B and C,new cartilage was induced in the rhBMP-2 injected area and more new cartilage was observed in group B than in group C (u=841,P< 0.05).Conclusion The rhBMP-2 had ability to induce new cartilage formation in the tracheal autograft.The collagen was effective as a carrier of rhBMP-2 and could enhance the ability of rhBMP-2 to induce cartilage regeneration in tracheal transplantation.
Chinese Journal of Experimental Surgery
国家自然科学基金资助项目 (39970 70 7)
陕西省自然科学基金资助项目 (99SM37)