目的:初步评价脱毒灵对海洛因依赖的脱毒效果及不良反应。方法:海洛因依赖戒断症状患者82例,按随机化方法,分为脱毒灵组42例和洛非西定组40例;对脱毒灵与洛非西定进行初步临床观察对照研究。结果:脱毒灵能全面迅速地控制海洛因依赖戒断症状。治疗d 5戒断症状总分减分率脱毒灵组为0.99±0.02,洛非西定组为0.36±0.18;治疗d 10戒断症状总分减分率脱毒灵组为1.00±0.01,洛非西定组为0.78±0.13。所有疗效观察项目脱毒灵组均显著优于洛非西定组,大部分项目P<0.001。脱毒灵组几乎未观察到不良反应和依赖性。结论:脱毒灵对海洛因依赖脱毒效果显著可靠,临床使用安全。
Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of Tuoduling in the treatment of heroin dependence. Methods: There were 82 patients who got heroin dependence. According to randomized design, all of these patients were divided into two groups: One group of 42 patients treated with Tuoduling, the other one of 40 patients treated with Lofexidine. The group treated with Tuoduling was compared with the group treated with Lofexidine. Results: Tuoduling can control heroin dependence completely and quickly. The reducing scores rate of the group treated with Tuoduling showed 0.99±0.02 in 5 days' treatment, while that of the group treated with Lofexidine showed 0.36±0.18; The reducing scores rate of the group treated with Tuoduling showed 1.00±0.01 in 10 days' treatment, while that of the group treated with Lofexidine showed 0.78±0.13. All of the observed results of the group treated with Tuoduling were superior to those of the group treated with Lofexidine. Most observed results showed P<0.001. No adverse drug reactions and drug dependence were observed. Conclusion: Tuoduling is effective and safe in controlling heroin dependence.
Chinese Journal of Drug Abuse Prevention and Treatment