目的 :探讨动态脑电图 (AEEG ,即脑Holter)对癫的诊断及鉴别诊断价值。方法 :2 5 7例常规EEG无样放电患者分为临床癫组和可疑癫组进行 2 4hAEEG监测并分析结果。结果 :临床癫组样放电总发生率为 5 9.4 % ,可疑癫组总发生率为 19.9%。样放电最多出现于非快速眼动睡眠期。各种发作类型样放电阳性率差别无显著性。结论 :AEEG可提高样放电的检出率 。
Objective: To explore the value of AEEG monitoring in the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of epilepsy. Methods: AEEG was carried out in 257 patients (devided into clinical diagnosed epilepsy group and doubtful epilepsy group)with no epileptiform discharges in routine EEG and the findings were analyzed.Results: The positive rate of epileptiform discharges in patients with epilepsy was 59.4%,and it was 19.9% in the doubtful epilepsy group. The epileptiform discharges were mainly found during NREM phase. No significant difference of the positive rate of epileptiform discharges was found in all kinds of seizure type. Conclusion: AEEG might increase the detection rate of epileptiform discharges.It might be of important significance in the diagnosis of epilepsy.
Journal of Clinical Electroneurophysiology