目的 :探讨p15 /p16基因编码区位点在成人急性髓性白血病 (AML)骨髓中甲基化的发生。方法 :用酶切 PCR 琼脂糖凝胶电泳技术研究 31例成人AML患者骨髓中p16第二外显子HapⅡ、SacⅡ和NruI位点及p15基因第二外显子HapⅡ位点甲基化情况。结果 :在 31例成人AML骨髓样本中 ,p16E2的 4个HapⅡ位点同时甲基化的有11例 ;1个SacⅡ位点甲基化的有 19例 ;1个NruI位点甲基化的有 2 2例 ;p15E2的 6个HapⅡ位点同时甲基化的有 16例。成人AML患者骨髓中p16E2中的SacⅡ和NruI位点和p15E2中的HapⅡ位点在CpG的C甲基化与成人AML相关。结论
Aim:To research the methylation of p15 and p16 genes encoding sequence in the adult myeloid leukemia (AML). Methods: The enzymelization PCR agarose gel electrophoresis technology was applied to research the methylation of p16 E2's HapⅡ,SacⅡ, NruI, and p15 E2's HapⅡ loci in 31 cases of AML. Results: In 31 AML's p16 E2,there were 11 samples methylated at 4 HapⅡ locus simultaneously, 19 samples methylated at SacⅡ locus, 22 samples methylated at NruI locus; there were 16 samples methylated at 6 HapⅡ locus simultaneously in p15E2. CpG's C methylation of p16E2 SacⅡ and NruI locus and p15E2 HapⅡ locus was associated with adult AML. Conclusion: Methylation might play a role in the genesis and development of AML.
Journal of Zhengzhou University(Medical Sciences)
河南省自然科学基金资助项目9840 2 2 90 0