读者是图书馆赖以生存的基础和前提条件 ,为其服务是图书馆永恒的宗旨 ,而图书馆员是链接图书馆与读者之间的桥梁与纽带。本文在此提倡创建图书馆员与读者之间的超级链接 ,旨在建立一种良好的人际关系 ,这对图书馆在新世纪守住阵地 ,吸引读者 ,提高馆藏文献信息资源的利用率 ,具有重要的意义。
Readers are fundamental elements for the existence of a library,as they are the permanent purposes of service of a library.A librarian,so to speak,is a bridge or a link connecting the library and its readers.This paper promotes to create a kind of super link between the librarians and the readers,that is to establish satisfactory personal relations between the two.In this way,the library can build a good image for the readers and attracts more readers to come,which also has importance in making good use of the information resoures of the library.Furthermore,the paper discusses how a librarian should adapt himself(herself)to creating such a super link between readers and librarians.
Information Science