华光潭二级大坝一期砼围堰及左岸基坑开挖距已浇右岸大坝砼最近处仅1 5~2 0m,在借鉴国内以往类似工程施工经验的基础上,通过现场试验,获得了切实可行的施工工艺和爆破参数,在现场实际应用中取得了较好的效果.该技术的成功应用对其它类似工程或类似的情况的施工具有一定的借鉴.
The first phase concrete cofferdams and the left bank dam foundation excavation of the second gradient dam of the Huaguangtan Hydropower Station is very close to the right bank dam block No.3 by 15m to 2.0 m,where the concrete has been poured few days ago.The essy illustrates the feasible construction procedure and blasting parameters according to the testing result on spot,which is on the reference of the other similar construction experience in China.The success of the controlled blasting technique used in this project can make some use for reference to other similar projects or conditions.
Journal of Zhejiang Water Conservancy and Hydropower College