
论教师实践智慧 被引量:107

On Teachers' Intelligence in Practice
摘要 教师实践智慧的三个要义及各自的实现途径为 :一是教师对教育合理性的追求。从教育主体看 ,它要求教师在经验和公共教育理论之间有意识地建构合理的个人教育理论 ;从教育过程看 ,它要求教师把课程文本当作师生进行理解的“引子”,在师生已有前理解的基础上建构共有知识 ,发展共享理解 ;从教育评价看 ,它要求教师对学生进行基于形成性评价的终结性评价。二是教师对当下教育情景的感知、辨别与顿悟。这要求教师首先要打破对教育常规的过分依赖 ;其次要树立在教育情景中反思的意识 ;再次要确立更具弹性的新教育常规。三是教师对教育道德品性的彰显。在目的维度方面 ,教师要消解认知主义 ,注重学生德、智、体和知、情、行的共生共长 ;在关系维度方面 。 Teachers' intelligence in practice has three implications. The first one is teachers' pursuit of educational rationality. In view of the subject of education, teachers are required to set up reasonable theories between personal experience and public education theories. In terms of educational process, teachers should take the teaching text as an “introduction” to the mutual understanding between students and teacher and establish common knowledge on the basis of said mutual understanding. From the angle of educational evaluation, teachers are required to make conclusive evaluation of students on the basis of formative evaluation. The second one is teachers' perception, discrimination and sudden realization of current educational situation. Teachers should first get rid of the excessive reliance on educational convention, then set up a new and more flexible educational convention, and finally enhance the educational moral qualities. In the aspect of educational aim, teachers should get rid of cognitionism and emphasize the co existence and harmonious development among morality, intelligence and health and among knowledge, emotion and behavior. Teachers should also develop the inter subject relation between teacher and students in class teaching and class meetings.
出处 《教育研究》 CSSCI 北大核心 2003年第9期32-36,共5页 Educational Research
关键词 教育评价 形成性评价 教育情景 认知主义 主题班会 师生关系 教师 实践智慧 teacher practical intelligence rationality of education educational situation educational morality
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