
Analysis on Mode Field Distribution of Waveguide Grating Coupler by the Scalar FDTD 被引量:2

Analysis on Mode Field Distribution of Waveguide Grating Coupler by the Scalar FDTD
摘要 The scalar two-dimensional finite difference time domain (FDTD) method is applied to simulate the mode field distribution of TE 0 of the waveguide grating coupler. Computer simulation shows that the same stable mode field distribution pattern is obtained through the different kinds of driving sources. It is found that the optical field mode is determined by waveguide structure and optical wavelength other than the driving source.According to the mode field distribution, the optimum coupling efficiency can be predicted. Compared with another numerical methods,the CPU-time and memory elements of computer used by FDTD are much less. The scalar two-dimensional finite difference time domain (FDTD) method is applied to simulate the mode field distribution of TE 0 of the waveguide grating coupler. Computer simulation shows that the same stable mode field distribution pattern is obtained through the different kinds of driving sources. It is found that the optical field mode is determined by waveguide structure and optical wavelength other than the driving source.According to the mode field distribution, the optimum coupling efficiency can be predicted. Compared with another numerical methods,the CPU-time and memory elements of computer used by FDTD are much less.
出处 《Semiconductor Photonics and Technology》 CAS 2003年第3期166-169,177,共5页 半导体光子学与技术(英文版)
基金 CollegialMainTeacherFoundationfromNationalMinistryofEducationofChina(GG - 14 0 -10 5 11- 10 0 7) ScientificResearchFoundationfromtheEducationCommitteeofHunanProvince(0 1C317)
关键词 Waveguide grating couplers Light fields Coupling efficiency FDTD 波导光栅耦合器 光场 耦合功率 FDTD 有限差分时域
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