‘云红梨 1号’是从云南地方品种中筛选出的优良红色梨品种 ,结果早 ,丰产 ,果皮红色艳丽 ,果形端正 ,汁多味甜 ,含可溶性固形物 13 5 % ,可溶性糖 7 4 2 % ,可滴定酸 0 34% ,维生素C31 2mg/kg ,品质佳。对土壤适应性强 ,抗黑星病、腐烂病。在昆明地区 9月下旬至 10月上旬成熟 ,货架期 6 0~ 70d。适合在云南海拔 170 0~ 2 2 0 0m的地区栽培。
'Yunhong 1'is a very nice selection of red pear from the local resources in Yunnan province.This variety has good characteristics such as early bearing,high product,red skin and good looking.The fruit shape is good and the flesh is crisp,juicy and sweet.It has high quality(SSC 13 5%,TS 7 43%,TA 0 34%,and vitamin C 31 2mg/kg)and good adaptability to soil,resistance to pear scab and pear canker,and tolerance to storage .Fruit harvested season is from the end of September to the early of October in Kunming.The shelf life of fruit is about 60-70 days.This variety might be grown in the area of 1700-2200m altitude in Yunnan.
Acta Horticulturae Sinica