针对三峡水利枢纽永久船闸一闸室南侧 1 85m平台山体防渗墙施工的技术难点及技术要求 ,介绍了混凝土防渗墙施工中的槽段划分、造孔、泥浆制备、输送及回收、预埋管固定架的制作与吊放、墙体砼浇筑及一些特殊部位处理的整套施工工艺 ,并对防渗墙施工的质量采用多种手段进行检验与评价 ,结果表明 ,防渗墙施工质量满足设计要求 。
Based on the technical difficulties and technical requirements for construction of water proof wall on the 185m terrace of the mountain at south side of the ship lock in Three Gorges Key Water Control Project, the construction technology including the trough division, hole making, sludge preparation, transportation and recycling, preparation and hanging of fixer for embedded pipe, concrete casting and treatment of special locations is introduced. The quality of waterproof wall construction is controlled and evaluated with multiple methods, the results show that the quality meets the requirements of the design and is excellent.
Underground Space