本文通过分析天津地调院在顺应地勘单位改革大趋势下所面对的机遇与挑战 ,认为该院开展商业性地质工作的主要方向应放在环境地质、灾害地质、城市地质、农业地质及地质旅游业的开发与经营上。进而阐明天津地调院要做强商业性地质工作应采取“树立大地质观念 ,依靠地质科技进步和创新 ,建设核心竞争力 ,建立社会经济关系网 ,‘借势运营’走富院强局之路”的发展策略。
The paper analyses the opportunity and challenge facing Tianjin Geological Survey Institute in compliance with the need of geological exploration organization reform. Then, the paper puts forward that the main goal should be focused on environmental geology, disaster geology, urban geology, agricultural geology and the development and management of geological tour industry when Tinajin Geological Survey Institute develops commercial geological work. Moreover, it also points out relevant strategies.
China Geology & Mining Economics