根据地勘单位属地化改革后出现的新情况 ,文章论述了地勘行业中小矿业公司的设立依据以及资源依托型、市场导向型、区域特色型、技术研发型等四种成长模式 ,分析了其成长过程中的预期风险。提出了加大扶持力度 ,充实公司队伍、发挥特色资源优势 ,构造持久竞争力、以科技研发为主轴 ,围绕核心竞争力组织企业扩张、加速管理创新 ,实现自我发展等四项促使中小矿业公司发展的战略措施。
In view of new situation occurred in geological exploration organization after localized management, the paper discusses the basis of setting up middle-and-small corporation in geological exploration industry. It also analyses the four kinds of development model and expected risk. Then, it points out strategic measures, including increasing support of Middle-and-small Corporation, recruitment of personnel, developing special resource superiority, forming permanent competitive capability, accelerating management innovation, and fulfilling self-development.
China Geology & Mining Economics