江泽民同志在领导全党和全国人民推进有中国特色社会主义伟大事业的进程中 ,十分重视新闻与大众传媒工作。他特别重视舆论导向 ,深刻地阐述了正确把握舆论导向的必要性、根本要求与基本方法。江泽民同志的舆论导向思想进一步丰富与发展了马克思主义、毛泽东思想、邓小平理论的新闻与传播理论。
The former president of the People Republic of China pays special attention to the development of the mass media. He emphasizes that the mass media should be guided by right ideas and conceptions and he expounds the necessity,the requirements and the basic methods of leading the mass media to the right direction. Jiang Zeming's idea of the news dissemination develops the news dissemination theories put forward by Marx,Mao Zedong and Deng Xiaoping.
Journal of Hunan Mass Media Vocational and Technical College