针对机械与测控实验发展的需要 ,对精密机械与精密仪器实验室建设提出了一定的要求 ,并给出实验室建设规划。文章较详细地介绍了该实验室在学校的资助下 ,全系师生在增加实验类型、扩充实验内容、完善实验课体系、加强对实验课的统一规划和统一管理以及艺术课教材建设等方面所做的工作。最后 ,文章还总结了几年来实验改革的体会和尚存在的问题。
This article reports the work done by the laboratory of precision machinery and instruments, with the funding by the university, in increasing the variety of experiments, enriching their contents, improving lab courses, strengthening course planning and management, and writing textbooks. It also summarizes the reform that has been carried out in the past few years and problems that still exist.
Education and Modernization