我国高教评估指标体系制订的主体、范围、标准单一及其重绩效、轻发展、指标滞后于高等教育的实际发展等 ,是目前存在的主要问题。本文分析了其成因 ,并提出立法变更其编制主体、加强其再评估和确立多元的评估指标体系等相应对策。
At present, the main problems in China's system of criteria for the evaluation of higher education include a narrow scope, one-sidedness of standards, too much stress on achievements and not enough on development, and out-datedness of certain criteria. With an analysis of the causes of such problems, this paper proposes some solutions: change the maker of the criteria through legislation, introduce reappraisal of such criteria; and establish multi-element systems of criteria for evaluation.
Education and Modernization