
几种新型苯甲酰基脲类化合物的杀虫活性研究 被引量:6

Test of the insecticidal activity of novel benzoylphenylurea compounds
摘要 以商品苯甲酰基脲类杀虫剂伏虫脲为参照,室内对比测定了6个新型苯甲酰基脲类化合物对四龄粘虫的毒杀活性及对蚊幼虫的毒杀活性.实验结果表明,化合物1a对四龄粘虫的毒杀活性与伏虫脲相当.伏虫脲1a~f的LC50值分别为:1.82,1.84,4.85,9.20,70.79,18.88,23.12.而对蚊幼虫的毒杀活性试验中,1a~b的活性显著高于伏虫脲.1a~f伏虫脲的LC50值分别为:0.00086,0.00175,0.00852,0.0160,0.00680,0.02270,0.00958.从以上结果可以得出结论:化合物1a~c具有较好的杀粘虫幼虫活性,而1a~b具有极佳的杀蚊幼虫活性. In comparison to the commercial insecticide diflubenzon,the insecticidal activities of six novel benzoylphenylurea compounds against the fourth instar larvae of Mythimna separata Walker and the larvae of Culex pipiens pallens were investigated in laboratory.The results indicated that compound 1a showed same insecticidal activity against Mythimna separata Walker as difoubenzon.The median lethal concentrations of 1a-1f for Mythimna separate Walker were 1.84, 4.85, 9.20, 70.79, 18.88, 23.12 respectively,vs 1.82 for diflubenzon. Likewise,the insecticidal activities of 1a,1b against the larvaes of Culex pipiens pallens were markedly higher than that of diflubenzon.The median lethal concentration of 1a-f for Culex pipiens pallens were 0.000?86,0.001?75,0.008?52,0.016?0,0.006?80,0.022?70,0.009?58 respectively,vs 0.0160 for diflubenzon.In conclusion,compounds 1a-c exhibited good insecticidal activities against Mythimna separata Walker and 1a-b showed excellent insecticidal activities against Culex pipiens pallens.
出处 《云南大学学报(自然科学版)》 CAS CSCD 2003年第5期438-441,共4页 Journal of Yunnan University(Natural Sciences Edition)
基金 云南省自然科学基金资助项目(1999B0005M) 南开大学元素有机化学国家重点实验室开放基金资助项目.
关键词 苯甲酰基脲类化合物 杀虫活性 四龄粘虫 蚊幼虫 毒杀活性 杀虫剂 几丁质合成抑制剂 insecticidal activity benzoylphenylureas(BPUs) Chitin synthesis inhibitors
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