利用高碳粉煤灰、电石渣等工业废渣代替粘土和部分石灰石配料, 优化操作参数、强化煅烧,使NH600t/d五级旋风预热器窑产量达到28t/h以上, 熟料标号达到60MPa, 熟料热耗2400KJ/kg, 取得了优质、高产低能耗的效果。
It is showed that the output at kiln with 5-stage cyclone preheater of NH600t/d can be reached 28t/h above, the clinker grade 60MPa above, and the clinker¢s heat consumption 2400KJ/Kg, by replacing clay and partial limestone in with high carbon fly ash, calcium carbide slag, optimizing the operating parameters, and strengthening the calcine.
Journal of Luoyang Technology College