以高空间分辨率的全色图像与高光谱分辨率的多光谱图像进行像素级双源融合为例 ,详细地总结了卫星多源遥感图像融合领域像素级融合的步骤、基本融合模型和优缺点 ,重点分析了各种常见像素级融合方法的原理和特点 ,并归纳了像素级融合结果的主客观评价标准和评价方法 ,以及像素级融合的主要应用领域 ,最后讨论了像素级融合目前存在的问题和今后的发展方向。
Thematic mapper (TM) multispectral images and SPOT panchromatic images are two of multisensor images which are widely used in remote sensing. To adequately take advantage of the high spectral resolution of multispectral images and the high spatial resolution of panchromatic images, multisensor data fusion technique has been proposed in remote sensing image processing. This paper takes merging multispectral image and panchromatic image as a example to introduce mainly pixel-based image fusion techniques. First,this paper summarizes models, process, advantages and disadvantages of pixel-based image fusion in the fields of multisensor remote sensing of satellite. Afterward, the paper emphasizes on principally analyzing the theories and the characteristics of the pixel based image fusion algorithms and further sums up subjective and objective evaluation criteria for fused images. Finally, applications, developments and prospects of the pixel-level fusion are discussed.
Journal of Data Acquisition and Processing
国家重点实验室基金 (5 1 473 0 80 1 0 1 HK0 3 1 0 )资助项目