2 0 0 2年 5 ,7,9月 ,对东北农牧交错带内某草甸土壤、小尾寒羊主食 3种牧草、放牧小尾寒羊被毛和血液中镁含量进行了分析。结果表明 ,该交错带草甸土壤中镁的总平均含量为 0 4 1% ;小尾寒羊主食 3种牧草中镁的年平均含量分别为 0 4 6 %、0 2 2 %、0 15 % ,牧草中镁的总平均含量为 0 2 8% ;放牧小尾寒羊被毛和血液中镁的总平均含量分别为 85 8 5 1μg g和 30 38μg g。据此认为 ,该交错带放牧小尾寒羊不会发生镁缺乏症和镁中毒病 ,但其镁营养处于低水平。
Magnesium contents of soil, 3 kinds of herbages preferred by codetta, and of wool and blood of codetta were determined in Yaojingzi, Jilin in May, July and September, 2002. Tne results showed that, in northeast farming-grazing interlocking district, the total average content of magnesium in soil of meadow is 0.41%; the annual average content of magnesium in three kinds in mainly grazed herbage is 0.46%, 0.22% and 0.15% respectively, and the total average content of magnesium in the mentioned herbage is 0.28%; the total average content of magnesium in wool and blood of grazed codettas is 858.51 ug/g and 30.38 ug/g respectively. From above, the grazed codettas in northeast farming-grazing interlocking district can not suffer from the diseases of magnesium deficience or magnesium poisoning, but the nutrient level of magnesium in these codettas is low.
Journal of Economic Animal
国家重点基础研究发展规划项目 (G2 0 0 0 0 1860 6)