

From 1.0 to 4.0:The Change Track of Career Theory and Education on the Logical Thought of Ideological and Political Innovation of Career Course
摘要 按照职业生涯所涉及的因素,职业生涯理论与教育大致可以梳理成四个单元。根据其形成的先后顺序排列分别为:人职匹配取向的1.0版、生涯发展取向的2.0版、社会学习取向的3.0版和积极心理取向的4.0版。职业生涯教育要回答的三个基本问题是'我要什么''去向哪里''如何到达',从1.0到4.0,不同的版本答案的侧重点有所不同。从职业生涯教育思政化教学改革角度出发,以积极心理学为理论基础的4.0版,围绕着新时期社会的主要矛盾,就上述三个问题对学生的引导蕴含了这样的逻辑思路:其一,用人生观和价值观引领;其二,用世界观和价值观引领;其三,用方法论和价值观引领。为此,笔者所在的团队创造了'送你一朵幸福花''送你一副广角镜''21天三件好事''每周进步一点点''带走你的幸福花'等系列教学方法,并且在教学方案、校本教材和在线课程中具体展现,使大学生向着美好生活,平衡充分地发展自己。 According to the factors involved in career,career theory and education can be roughly grouped into four units.According to the order of formation,they are:(1)1.0 edition of career matching orientation;(2)2.0 edition of career development orientation;(3)3.0 edition of social learning orientation;(4)4.0 edition of positive psychological orientation.Career education should answer three basic questions:'What do I want?''Where to go?''How to get there?'Different versions of the answers focus on different points from 1.0 to 4.0.From the perspective of ideological and political teaching reform of career education,the 4.0 edition,based on positive psychology and centering on the main social contradictions in the new era,contains such logical ideas on the guidance of the above three issues to students:first,to lead by outlook on life and values;second,to lead by world outlook and values;thirdly,it should be guided by methodology and values.For this reason,my team has created a series of teaching methods,such as'Give you a happy flower''Give you a wide-angle mirror''Three good things in 21 days''Make a little progress every week''Take away your happy flower'and so on,which are specifically demonstrated in teaching programs,school-based textbooks and online courses,In order to promote college students to meet the needs of a better life,balanced and full development of themselves.
作者 高红霞 Gao Hongxia
出处 《生涯发展教育研究》 2018年第2期34-42,共9页 Career Development Education Research
基金 上海市民办高校党建与思想政治工作创新专项计划“上海杉达学院职业生涯课程思政化协同建设”(项目编号:Z30001.18.009.06) 上海杉达学院“大学生职业生涯导论”课程荣获“2017年度上海高校市级精品课程”称号
关键词 职业生涯理论 职业生涯教育 课程思政化 创新 career theory career education ideological and political curriculum innovation
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