
复合光导层液晶光阀的研究 被引量:4

Research on liquid crystal light valve with composite film photoconductor
摘要 介绍了一种具有柱状结构的a-Si:H/nc-Si复合光导层的液晶光阀,复合光导层是通过热蒸发和等离子体辉光放电沉积方法,采用Al诱导a-Si:H制成的。经过测试,这种柱状结构薄膜具有电导各向异性,其横向电导率小于纵向电导率。用这种薄膜制成的液晶光阀其分辨率达到500lp/inch。 A liquid crystal light valve (LCLV) with composite film photoconductor (a- Si:H/nc- Si) was studied in detail. The photoconductor film with the columnar microstructure in which the nanosized crystalline silicon (nc- Si) embedded is deposited through inducing the formation of crystalline silicon by Al sublayer with two typical technologies, i.e. Thermal Evaporation for preparing the Al layer and Plasma Enhanced Chemical Vapor Deposition (PECVD) for depositing the a- Si:H layer. The conducti- vity of the photoconductor keeps anisotropy between the lateral and the normal directions, where it is less in the lateral than that in the normal. The resolution of the LCLV with a- Si:H/nc- Si composite columnar photoconductor reaches about 500 lp/inch.
出处 《功能材料与器件学报》 CAS CSCD 2003年第3期305-308,共4页 Journal of Functional Materials and Devices
基金 国家自然科学基金(69776004 69890230) 教育部重点基础研究基金的资助
关键词 液晶光阀 柱状结构 a-Si:H/nc-Si 复合光导层 电导率 分辨率 liquid crystal light valve column microstructure a- Si:H/nc- Si composite film <P> photoconductor
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