

摘要 目的:调查分析内蒙古西部地区骨密度及骨质疏松症(OP)的患病情况,以便针对性地进行干预。方法:方法:连续抽取我院体检中心600名健康人群进行骨密度及OP患病情况调查,包括内蒙古西部地区OP患病率;蒙、汉族OP患病率比较;蒙、汉族OP的年龄比较;蒙、汉族OP的性别比较;蒙、汉族骨密度的比较;不同性别骨密度的比较;不同年龄段与骨密度的关联性分析;女性绝经前、后骨量的变化。所得资料作以相应统计学分析。结果:(1)内蒙古西部地区OP患病率13.667%;(2)蒙古族OP患病率(14.333%)与汉族OP患病率(13%)比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);(3)蒙古族患OP的年龄(58.093±10.708),汉族患OP的年龄(58.718±11.859),经比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);(4)蒙、汉族患OP的性别比较,差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);(5)蒙、汉族骨密度比较,蒙古族组(秩均值309.56)与汉族组(秩均值291.44),差异无统计学意义(P>0.05);(6)不同性别骨密度的比较,男性组(秩均值417.12)比女性组(秩均值175)的骨密度高,示差异有统计学意义(P<0.01);(7)不同年龄段与骨密度的关联性分析呈中度关联(P<0.05,CP=0.354);(8)女性绝经前、后骨量的比较,绝经前组(秩均值208.40)比绝经后组(秩均值76.00)的骨量高,示差异有统计学意义(P<0.01)。结论:女性、增龄、绝经后的骨量相对较男性、低龄、绝经前低,且OP的患病率较高,状况严峻,危害严重,应引起相关部门的重视。 objective:Investigation and analysis in the western region of Inner Mongolia bone mineral density and osteoporosis(OP) disease situation, so that targeted intervention. approach Continuous extraction from 600 healthy physical examination center crowd bone mineral density and OP disease situation investigation, Including the western region of Inner Mongolia OP prevalence; Mongolian, Han OP prevalence; The age of the Mongolian, Han OP; The sex of the Mongolian, Han OP; The comparison of Mongolian, Han bone density; Comparison of different gender bone density; Different age groups and analyze the correlation of bone mineral density; Postmenopausal women before and after the change of bone mass. Income data for the corresponding statistical analysis. Result:(1)In the western region of Inner Mongolia OP prevalence rate 13.667%;(2) The Mongolian OP prevalence(14.333%) compared with the Han OP prevalence(13%), There was no statistically significant difference(P > 0.05);(3) The Mongolian age of OP(58.093 + /- 10.708), The han nationality of the OP age(58.718 + /- 11.859), by comparison, There was no statistically significant difference(P > 0.05);(4) The han nationality gender comparison of OP, There was no statistically significant difference(P > 0.05);(5) The han bone mineral density, the Mongolian group(309.56), The mean rank(rank average 291.44) to the han group, There was no statistically significant difference(P > 0.05);(6)The comparison of different gender bone density, male group(rank average 417.12) than women(175) the mean rank of bone mineral density is high, The difference was statistically significant(P < 0.01);(7)Different ages and moderate associated to the analysis of the correlation of bone mineral density(P < 0.05, CP = 0.354)(8)Today premenopausal women, After the comparison of bone mass, Premenopausal group(208.40), The mean rank than bone mass in postmenopausal group(76.00), The mean rank is high, The difference was statistically significant(P < 0.01). conclusion:Female, age, Bone mass after menopause male, Younger, Relatively premenopausal is low, and the prevalence of OP is higher, Status, Severe harm is serious, Should cause the attention of the relevant departments.
作者 田静 仝林虎
出处 《中国妇幼健康研究》 2016年第S1期36-37,共2页 Chinese Journal of Woman and Child Health Research
基金 内蒙古自治区自然科学基金项目(2012MS1130)
关键词 骨密度 骨质疏松症 患病率 内蒙古西部地区 Density Osteoporosis Prevalence In the western region of Inner Mongolia
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