

摘要 目的:探讨诱导期两种不同头位面罩通气对婴幼儿胃胀气及氧储备的影响。方法:选择择期手术患儿40例,采用随机数字表法将患儿随机分为2组。麻醉诱导期给氧去氮面罩通气采用不同头位,A组:15cmH_2O面罩头正位通气;B组:15cmH_2O面罩头向右偏45通气,比较2组麻醉效果。结结果果:两组患儿在面罩通气2分钟后(T_2)均存在不同程度的胃胀气(P<0.05),且B组0胃胀气情况明显好于A组(P<0.05)。两组间T_(97)、T_(95)和T_(93)的差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。结论:诱导期头向右偏45相对于头正位面罩通气不能明显增加1~3岁婴幼儿氧气储备。 Objective:to investigate the induction period of two different head mask ventilation on infant flatulence and oxygen reserve effect.Methods:40children undergoing elective surgery were randomly divided into 2 groups.During the induction of anesthesia to oxygen to nitrogen mask ventilation with different head position,group A:15cmH2O mask head position ventilation;group B:15cmH2O mask ventilation head to the right 45 degrees,compared with 2 groups of anesthesia.The results of the two groups in the mask after 2 minutes(T2)have different degrees of gastric distention(P<0.05),and B group of 0 gastric distention was better than group A(P<0.05).The difference of T97,T95 and T93 between the two groups was not statistically significant(P>0.05).Conclusion:the induction period of head to the right 45 degrees relative to the head is a mask ventilation cannot increase 1~3 years old infant oxygen reserves.
出处 《中国妇幼健康研究》 2017年第S3期407-407,共1页 Chinese Journal of Woman and Child Health Research
关键词 面罩通气 胃胀气 氧储备 麻醉诱导 Facemask ventilation Gastric distention Oxygen reserve Anesthesia induction
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