Over the past several decades, a classification of the functions of various media that is based on the senses has come to be widely used in communication studies. In recent years, however, a number of studies have come to view media as a tool for cognitive understanding and human collaboration. Therefore, there is a need to introduce a new classification system that takes into account the fact that learning has been perceived as the core of the educational process. This paper discusses an activity-based classification system for various media. In this system, students are expected to grow through activities and technologies are seen as platforms for these activities.
During the problem-solving process, whenever students make an enquiry, attempt to express themselves, and engage in communication and knowledge construction activities, they are taking part in learning-centered educational activities which are usually situated in an IT environment. The various media ensure that these activities, which more often than not occur concurrently, are carried out smoothly.
In learning-centered educational activities, media are not used to deliver existing content knowledge and learning materials but to support students' learning activities. This perspective implies that more new technologies should be included, and that software and hardware are inseparable from objectives, goals and methods. The choice of media is based on the activity that students choose, and thus these media can be viewed as learning tools rather than teaching tools.
Chinese Journal of Distance Education