金佛山方竹是优质笋用竹和优秀的工艺及观赏用竹 ,具有广阔的开发前景。桐梓县是金佛山方竹自然分布中心之一 ,竹林遍及全县 2 4个乡镇中的 19个乡镇 ,面积达 1.3万 hm2 。桐梓县方竹经营历史悠久 ,据县志记载早在清末民初就有笋干和土纸的专业加工 ,一直延续至今长盛不衰 ,成为该县山区农民一项主要财源。根据多年试验研究和生产实践 ,研究组从加强水分管理、调整造林季节、把握母竹质量、严格栽植规范等 4个方面探讨了金佛山方竹的造林和管护技术。
Chimonocalams utilis is fine bamboo species not only for producing bamboo shoots, but for arts, crafts and ornamental. Tongzi with an area of 130 000 hm 2 is one of the distribution centers, It has a long history of the bamboo cultivation and utilization. Based on the county armals, bamboo shoots and paper-making came from Qing Dynasty, which can be regarded as main income in mountain area. According to years of research and practice, research group studied afforestation and management technology on how to strengthen the water management, adapt seasons, keep the high quality of mother bamboo and plant bamboo elaborately.
Journal of Bamboo Research