采用成都市可吸入颗粒物(PM10)小时浓度的空间分布实例,结合NOAA/AVHRR(National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer)遥感数据所获的城市热岛温度场格局图,结果发现:下午环形热岛出现时城市中心区的PM10浓度较低,二、三环路附近的浓度相对较高,城区西南部尤其明显。分析认为,环形热岛改变了城市近地层的温度场和流场结构,在城郊结合部造成"双重循环",容易导致污染物在这些地方聚集。
The pattern diagram of urban heat island temperature was obtained by combining the spatial distribution of inhalable particulates( PM 10) in Chengdu with the remote sensing data of NOAA/AVHRR( National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration/ Advanced Very High Resolution Radiometer). The results showed that the concentration of PM 10 was lower in the downtown than the area adjacent to second and third ring road when the cirular heat island formed in the afternoon,particularly in southwest of the city. It was infered that ring shaped heat island changed the structures of temperature and flow field of near surface layer,and the ' double loop' appeared in the suburban area,which lead to contamination in these sites.
Sichuan Environment