成人师范院校班主任工作艰巨 ,班主任既是全班学生生活、学习的组织者、指导者和教育者 ,是联系学校领导和学生的纽带 ,是学校德育工作的骨干力量 ,是沟通学校、家庭、社会教育的桥梁 ,是学生健康成长的带头人。做好这项工作 ,班主任应具有强烈的事业心和责任心 ,具有良好的心理素质、求真务实的工作作风和教育艺术。
The Work of Charging students in normal college. of Adult is quite difficult. The Teachers who are in charge of students are not only the organizers of the students' study and life, but also the directors and educators whose duties are connecting the students and the leaders of college together. They are the backbone in political education of students, and the bridges, which connect the school, family and society altogether. To qualify this task, besides the concert work style and art of education, the teacher is supposed to possess the well sense of responsibility, dedication and proper mentality as well.
Journal of Xinjiang Education Institute